Evaluate of newborn with jaundice at central teaching hospital of pediatrics in Baghdad : descriptive study
Hyperbilirubinemia, Phototherapy, Exchange transfusion, Neonatal jaundiceAbstract
Background: - Neonatal jaundice is a frequent condition at newborns, particularly in the first few days after delivery, and it has to be treated well to prevent complications that might have significant, long-lasting complications.
Objective: - To assess the outcome of newborn jaundice at the central teaching Hospital of pediatrics in Baghdad using different modality of treatments.
Patients and Methods: - A retrospective study is done depending on the medical data of infants have jaundice who were admitted to the neonate units of the central teaching hospital within the period of a year, from May 1st 2020 to May 1st 2021. Blood grouping and total serum bilirubin measurements were taken in each case. Phototherapy, strong phototherapy, and exchange transfusion were utilized to treat the newborn jaundice, depending on its severity.
Results: Total neonates admitted from 1st may2020 to1st may 2021 in neonate unit were 2508 and 855 [34%] have jaundice. the male: female rati0 is [1.6:1], males 516[60.3%], females 339[39.6%]. The Physiol0gical jaundice is the often-frequent cause 285[33.3%] patients. The Prematurity seen in 171[20%] patient and the ABO incompatibility seen in 128[1.3%] and the Rh incompatibility 17[2%] patient, the sepsis found in 16[2%] case and the other causes of hyperbilirubinemia seen in 238[27.8%] patient. the Phototherapy is the most frequent kind of management used in 513[55%] and intensive phototherapy is applied for 342[40.3%] patients and just 59[7%] of patients treated with exchange transfusion particularly patients with ABO incompatibility 25 [42%] also Rh incompatibility 34 [57.6%]
Good decline in TSB level and not require the exchange transfusion is 812 [95%] of patients. Majority of infants 849 [99.55%] discharge with clinical improvement and only 17 [0.3%] of infant’s patients develops kernicterus and 8 patients is dying [0.1%]
Conclusion: Moderate to severe hyperbilirubinemia is still often treated with phototherapy. Intensive phototherapy is beneficial in lowering T.S.B levels, minimizing the need for exchange transfusions, and shortening hospital stays in patients with newborn hyperbilirubinemia.
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