Study the antibacterial effect of N_butanol extract of Urtica dioica


  • Ahmed Abdulaziz Ahmed Ministry of health
  • Baydaa Hameed Abdulah Musansiriyah university/College of pharmacy
  • Yaser Mustafa Kamal Musansiriyah university/College of pharmacy



Urtica dioica, Ciprofloxacine


Since ancient times Urtica dioica has been used as an herbal medicine in Western Asia. The current study demonstrates the anti-bacterial effect of N_butanol extraction of Urtica dioica. The antibacterial effect was tested against some of gram-positive bacteria and gram-negative bacteria isolated


from hospitalized patients having urinary tract infection. Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa was used. Urticasea is a family of plant known for their medicinal activity from folk medicine. Urtica dioica is a member of urticasea and it is known for it is antibacterial effect.


The leaves of Urtica dioica were collected in Iraq from jisr dayla district in Baghdad province in april 2019.The N_butanol extraction was compared with the drug ciprofloxacin. Disc diffusion method was used to determine the sensitivity of the samples.


The N_ butanol extract shows weak inhibitory effect on Escherichia coli while other strain does not affect by extract comparing with ciprofloxacin.


The N_butanol extract of urtica dioica have weak antibacterial effect when compared with ciproflxacine


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How to Cite

Study the antibacterial effect of N_butanol extract of Urtica dioica. (2022). Al Mustansiriyah Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 21(1), 41-47.