Evaluation the Effect of Sublingual Glutathione on the Quality of Life in COPD Patient by Using Saint George respiratory questionnaire
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Sublingual, Glutathione, Saint George respiratory questionnaire.Abstract
Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways associated with airway narrowing with airflow obstruction leading to difficulty in breathing impair daily activity and cause poor quality of life. Patients and methods: Fifty patients whom diagnosed with COPD are divided into two groups, 1st control group includes 25 patients assigned to receive conventional therapy of Formoterol fumarate 12 microgram inhaler twice daily, and 2nd interventional group also includes 25 patients assigned to receive conventional therapy with (300 mg/ 2 times daily) sublingual glutathione for two months. Saint George respiratory questionnaire (SGRQ) were measured before and after first and second months after treatment in both study groups. Aim of the study: This study was object to assess the changes in quality of life by using SGRQ following sublingual glutathione supplements therapy in COPD patients. Results and conclusion: After two months treatment , the mean values of SGRQ showed a significant increase compared to pre-treatment levels in both groups (P<0.01). There was highly significant improvement in SGRQ in both COPD patients groups after 2 months of treatment with much significant improvement in intervention group which may indicate the beneficial effects of adding glutathione sublingually administered supplements in COPD patients conventional therapeutic regiment.
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