Influence of Clinical Pharmacist intervention on the Quality of Life of Anemic Patients with Chronic Kidney Diseases in the Hemodialysis Setting in Kirkuk-Iraq.
Clinical pharmacist, Intervention, Quality of life, Anemia, Chronic kidney diseaseAbstract
To assess the impact of pharmacist intervention on the health related quality of life (QoL) among anemic patients with chronic kidney diseases in a hemodialysis center.
A single blind, randomized control study was carried out at the hemodialysis center of Kirkuk Hospital in Kirkuk-Iraq. The patients were randomized into two groups; interventional group received clinical pharmacist services delivered by a qualified registered pharmacist and non-interventional group received usual hospital care and. The pharmacist proposed clinical interventions at the level of patients, drugs, hospital level to improve the patient’s quality of life. The impact of clinical pharmacist’s intervention on improving quality of life of patients was assessed by using the Rand 36-Item Short Form Health Survey questionnaire. The assessment of the QoL was carried out for both groups for a total of 4-month follow-up; at baseline, day 60 and day 120.
A total number of 120 patients were recruited from the hemodialysis centers and 1437 interventions were applied for interventional group (n=60), 41.4% at the drugs level, 51.1% at the patient level and 7.5% at the hospital and administrative level. The health related QoL scores were significantly improved over time in the domains noticed with regard to the “physical functioning, general health, emotional role” of interventional group compared to the baseline and non-interventional group with conventional hospital care with P <0.05.
Interventions provided by the pharmacist had a positive impact on QoL of anemic patients in the hemodialysis center of the city.
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